The Quantitative Experience Design Lab has been awarded $15,000.00 by Activision | Blizzard in support of the lab's research on Artificial Intelligence and Game Design at the University of Utah.
I am happy to announce that the QED Lab has been selected for the 2018 Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR), an intensive 10-week research experience at the University of Utah. This means that we will be awarded funds to recruit a student to work with over the summer, from May 23, 2018 to August 3, 2018. If you are interested in learning more about the project, click here.
If you are interested and/or have additional questions about our project, please contact me. To apply, click here.
I am (always) seeking motivated, curious, and dedicated students to join the Laboratory for Quantitative Experience Design. My areas of interest are computational psychology, artificial intelligence, game design, and interactive narrative. Please view the projects page to see specific examples of the kind of work I am interested in pursuing.
Please email me and be specific as to why you want to work with me. Referencing a
specific project you're interested in helps, but note: if your email to me could have been written by anyone, it is not specific enough and will likely be lost among all other emails.
Paper 3
Grant 3
Outreach 3
science game design computer science interactive narrative narrative sensemaking university of utah computational psychology computational modeling laboratory presentation experiment research experience for undergraduates REU cognitive science user interface human-centered computing research artificial intelligence adventure games javascript design engineering research assistant education virtual reality cybersecurity narrative elo machine learning player modeling skill modeling creativity DAWs broadening participation in computing anticipatory thinking panel music keynote